Terms of service

Welcome to Punrush!
By using our website, located at https://punrush.com, you’re agreeing to follow these simple rules. If you don’t agree, please don’t use the site.

1. Acceptance of Terms

When you visit or use Punrush, you’re letting us know that you’ve read and accept these terms. They apply to everyone who uses the site.

2. Changes to the Terms

We may change these terms from time to time. We’ll post updates right here, so check back often. If you keep using the site after we make changes, that means you accept the new terms.

3. Using the Website

3.1 Who Can Use It
You can use Punrush if you’re at least 18 years old. If you’re under 18, you’ll need a parent or guardian’s permission.

3.2 Your License to Use
We’re giving you a limited, non-transferable license to use the site for personal, non-commercial purposes. This means you can enjoy our content, but don’t copy, sell, or change it without asking us first.

3.3 Don’t Misbehave
Here’s what you can’t do:

  • Use Punrush for anything illegal or unauthorized.
  • Mess with how the site works, or hack into it.
  • Upload viruses or harmful code.
  • Try to access parts of the site that are off-limits.
  • Do anything that harms the site’s security or reputation.

4. User-Generated Content

4.1 Sharing Your Content
We love user-submitted content like puns and comments! By posting on Punrush, you’re giving us permission to use, share, or modify your content anywhere, at any time, for free.

4.2 Be Responsible
You’re responsible for what you post. Please don’t share anything:

  • Rude, offensive, or hateful.
  • That belongs to someone else without permission.
  • That’s misleading or illegal.
    We can remove any content at our discretion.

5. Our Content is Ours

All the content on Punrush – like text, images, and graphics – belongs to us or our partners. You can’t use it without asking first. It’s protected by copyright and trademark laws.

6. Third-Party Links

We might link to other websites we don’t control. We’re not responsible for the content or policies on those sites. Use them at your own risk.

7. Warranties and Limits on Liability

7.1 No Guarantees
We provide Punrush “as is” and don’t promise it’ll always work perfectly. We can’t guarantee it will be free of errors, bugs, or viruses.

7.2 Limits on Liability
Punrush isn’t responsible for any indirect or accidental damages that result from using our website, like lost profits or data. If something goes wrong, we’re not liable.

8. You Promise to Protect Us

If anyone makes a claim against Punrush because of something you did (like violating these terms), you agree to cover any costs or damages we face, including legal fees.

9. Governing Law

These terms are governed by the laws of New York, USA. If there’s a legal issue, it’ll be handled in New York courts.

10. Termination of Service

We can stop letting you use the website at any time if we believe you’re violating these terms or causing harm.

11. Entire Agreement

These terms, along with our Privacy Policy, make up the entire agreement between you and Punrush about how you use the website.

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